Be who you are by Admin
With the rise of mobile applications and the clear tendency to be all the time on our smartphones, we are constantly analyzing the lives of each other, our styles, our physics.
It is like we are now living for others. Have you ever noticed that we only photograph or video the beautiful moments of our life? When we go out, travel or when we are looking gorgeous? Indeed, we choose the moments we want to share. Thus, Instagram is like utopia but we must not lose sight of the fact that this is not what real life looks like. People are not as flawless as we believe.
At the moment, if you scroll down your Instagram feed, you can see a lot of «bikini body», «prepare your body for summer», «how to be beach ready». Even before social media, with magazines and advertisements, we could see that the world incited us largely to believe in unique beauty, especially in the fashion world. But do not necessarily feel concerned about all the things you see in the media. There is no one role model. Life is not just fitness and eating healthy. Yes, it is good and yes your body will feel better.
But watch the rise of models like Ashley Graham and Iska Lawrence. Curvy models make their entry on the runway. We are who we are with our defects and our qualities. And look on Instagram the different posts on how to pose to make look better. Thus, do not think that all of the things you see and read are true. We don’t need to be skinny to look good. And if you want to do exercise, eat healthily, you must do it for yourself, not for the society. Remember that everyone is different and that what makes us beautiful.
It is true that sometimes we feel like we have to look a certain way, otherwise, people will judge us. Thus, the only challenge is to learn how to love ourselves and not feel pressured by the society. Each person is unique. Beauty is unique. Be yourself, be natural, you will look much more beautiful.