Have you ever wondered what happens before, during and after a photoshoot? The result probably looks effortless and easy but actually, there are many steps to go through before the beautiful shot is published for the audience. Today I’m going to reveal the sweat, stress and struggle that capturing the eye-catching photo requires, not forgetting the passion and pleasure that hides behind each photo. You get to follow Capture Models’ team to a photoshoot with a new model and get a glimpse of all the bustle behind the camera lens.
The saying ‘Well planned is half done’ is definitely true when it comes to photography. Therefore, planning where, when and how to shoot is one of the keys to success. As the weather in Barcelona can anytime surprise you with hot sun beams or hard rain, we were prepared with many outfit options and a versatile venue. We chose The Design Museum as the shooting location and it offered lots of different types of surroundings to work with. Also, we tried to match the model’s outfit and look with the location and atmosphere. Despite all the importance of planning, it is more than desirable to let the imagination flow. Spontaneous ideas can turn out to a photo that no one has ever seen before. And that’s exactly what a photographer wants – to create something brand-new.
And then finally, it was time for the photoshoot day! It was a grey day with a light rain, which doesn’t sound like ideal circumstances for creating an outstanding picture. The photographers had to crawl on the ground in search of the perfect angle and the model pose without showing how chilly and wet the environment was. However, we took the greyness as an advantage because it harmonised nicely with the harsh and modern museum area. Another challenge of shooting outside was all the other people doing their everyday work. There were people passing by and wondering what we were doing and cars parking right in front of our background. With a bit of humour, we accepted the challenge of being even more creative and didn’t let the lively environment around us disturb shooting.
After couple of hours of cameras beeping, we had memory cards full of pictures. The model’s job was done but our photographers still had half of the work left at home in front of their computers. Editing might sound like covering up grievances or improving the reality but that’s obviously not the whole truth. In fact, it’s more about correcting colours and boosting the strengths of the model instead of hiding the so-called weaknesses.
All in all, we had such an inspiring photoshoot day, and we’re so excited to show you the result!
Perhaps you also want to have a photoshoot with us? Check out the options that we offer and book your photo session here.
-Capture Models
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Pictures by Liene and Megan