What to put in your vanity for the summer

Posted by Admin in Fashion, Lifestyle, Summer
XHat to put in your vanity for the summer

May has started well with a bank holiday to celebrate the International Workers’ Day. But it’s not because now we are working that we cannot think about our future trip to a dream destination. And because we want to be as organised as we are at the office, we like to plan things in advance. Thus, once our tickets are booked, we only need to think about what do we have to pack.

Girls always bring more than necessary. It is not a cliché. But we also often forget important things. Here, you will find a list of what you should buy to put into your vanity to be prepared to face a hard day on the sand facing the sea with only the sound of waves and seagulls.

A perfect vanity should not be too full. Think practical. Think about what you will need at the beach but also afterwards, when visiting and going out at night. We don’t use the same products during holidays than during our daily life. Our beauty routine changes because our habits and the environment we are in are different.

XHat to put in your vanity for the summer

An important product not to forget is sunscreen. It is important to take care of your skin and avoid as much as possible damages. We don’t always realize the power of the sun on our body, that is why it is also important to bring an aftersun lotion that you will have to apply every day after your shower. You can also exfoliate your skin to peel off the dead skin, your tan will stay long after this.

If you go to the beach, you don’t necessarily wear makeup. We all like having makeup-free days, a natural complexion with beach waves hair. But for the people who still want to wear some makeup, look for a waterproof mascara, especially if you go for a swim and don’t want it to smudge under your eyes. Remember that alcohol and sun are not a good combination. If you want to wear perfume, find a selection that is alcohol-free. Otherwise, your skin will be irritated and itchy.

Lip balm is a must, with or without sunproof protection. You can also do lip scrub to take care of this sensitive part of your body that can also take sunburn. Finally, to accessorize your look, bring colourful nail polish, like red and coral. It always looks good with a nice tan on.

XHat to put in your vanity for the summer

Your vanity is now ready to be put into your suitcase. Next step: holidays.


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