10 tips for walking in high-heels

Posted by Admin in Fashion
10 tips for walking in high heels

Marilyn used to sing that “Diamonds are the girls’ best friends”, this is far from being wrong. However, we must not forget our other best friends which are high heels. Indeed, wearing those can instantly make you taller, more graceful, more slender and so many other positive things. But you need to be careful as your second best friend can suddenly turn into your worst nightmare if you do not know how to tame them, and here is how to do so:


  1. Put the heels that you can handle: If this is your first trial, please do not set the bar too high. For beginners, I recommend you wear wedge heels. As you will get used to those, little by little, change your wedges for stacked heels and then for stilettos if you feel up to doing so.
  2. Use platform shoes: If you are not really comfy with high heels, medium height heels will be enough to have a positive impact on your appearance.
  3. Avoid pain: Always have band-aids with you and put them on before you get blisters, in prevention. You can also buy stuffed soles to soften your steps.

10 tips for walking in high heels

4. First the ball, then, the heel: To get as steady as possible, you need to be careful to not put your whole foot on the ground at the same time.

5. Slow Down: Leave few minutes earlier than necessary to be able to slow down your rhythm if needed without being in a hurry and risking a broken leg.

6. Use your weight wisely: To avoid your heels to get stuck between the cobbles, try to put your weight on the ball of your foot.

7. Take little breaks: Allow yourself to take a little break whenever you want to. And when doing so, just admire the landscape and the streets, you may be surprised!

10 tips for walking in high heels

8. Anticipate: Look at the cobbles which are one or two meters far from you and identify the safest part of the road for your heels.

9. Keep calm: It is completely worthless to insult the road or to beg it to let you pass. It won’t work. All you have to do is to stay calm and keep on moving until you finally got to destination, be brave!

10. Walk on the less damaged part of the streets: You should better walk at the edge of the streets because normally, they should be less damaged and therefore more negotiable.

Bonus: Forget everything I’ve just said and find some friends or a boyfriend nice enough to help and support you or even to carry you after hours of suffering.



Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5

Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

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