Natural beauty for your skin by Admin

March is a complicated month. Putting the clocks forward has disturbed our biological clock and summer is fast approaching. Our whole organism is disrupted and our skin suffers from the climate change and the overall pollution.

To overcome those difficulties and be prepared for the good days, we have selected a bunch of well-known ingredients that you should use to make your skin glow. When it comes to our beauty routine we never think about taking the ingredients directly from our cupboard or our fridge.

Here you will find a short list of ingredients good for your skin. Whether they are used as a mask or mixed in a detox juice, you will be surprised by the great value of these ingredients.

Natural ingredients good for your skin

– To vitalize and hydrate your skin: avocado and eggs are full of protein and biotin

– For a beautiful complexion: you can benefit from the beta-carotene inside the carrot and the  vitamin C in the citrus fruits

– For your skin elasticity: salmon is rich in omega 3 and nuts in omega 3S. Thus, they have values that are well-known for their anti-aging properties

– To fight against acne: Medjool dates and pomegranates as they produce collagen

There is no need to put a crazy amount of money in your skincare products if you don’t take care of your body first. Feeling good inside will make you look good outside. While eating junk food will make your skin looks oily and acneic, think about all the vegetables and other superfoods that exist and don’t hesitate to mix ingredients for your skin, hair and nails.

Natural ingredients good for your skin

Don’t forget to drink enough water as it will prevent your skin from dryness and spots. Give it a try and be ready to change your daily beauty routine!


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How to boost your online popularity by Admin

We all remember that famous selfie from Ellen Degeneres during the 86th Academy Awards in 2014. It broke the Internet. A lot of people would like to experience that success on the platform. But whatever social network you use, always remember that there are some tricks you should know about if you want to boost your online profile.

To keep your followers entertained, you need to find what will make the difference. Impose your style and your personality but always be careful of what is going on around you. Indeed, even though it is important to create your own world, look at the trending topics, what is making the buzz and what is not.

How to boost your online popularity

The next important step is to identify who is following you. Once it is done, you will be able to analyze what they like the most about you, what are the most popular posts on your feed.

People want original content. Always make sure you caught the best angle, light and catchphrase to post the best photo you can, even if it implies to eat cold or go out late. Don’t be afraid to use links and hashtags, it will help you to get viral. Then the only thing you have to wait for are the likes, shares and comments.

Whatever social media you use, if you want to succeed, always be conscious of the peak hours. We spend a lot of time on our phones checking online profiles, but it is important to take into consideration that posting your photo at 10 am during the week will not have the same impact than on a Sunday at 6 pm.

How to boost your online popularity

Yes, social media is art. The keyword is to stay active. Update your profile regularly and do not disappear for days. Now the online world is all yours!


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What to pack for a mid-season week-end in Barcelona by Admin

Forget your triple layer winter coat if you travel to Barcelona during the mid-season. Here you will find the best tips to enjoy your stay as much as you can while, hopefully, remaining stylish.

One thing to take into consideration is to travel light. And if your aim is to visit the city from A to Z in just a weekend: think practical. You will always look more pretty on pictures with a casual and comfortable look than with a look that will not allow you to smile because your too hot, too cold or because your shoes make you want to cry.

What to pack for a mid-season week-end in Barcelona

That is why a pair of sneakers is always a good idea, you can bring your high-heels but keep them for the night if you plan to go out. Then, never forget the basics. A trench, a cardigan or a leather jacket is enough. For the bottom, just bring some jeans. Barcelona is not only a synonym of sun and party at the beach, you never know what the weather holds. That is why it can be tricky to travel during the mid-season because the weather is constantly changing, thus, temperatures are never the same. A sweater or light jacket is essential and you can wear a breathable t-shirt underneath it to stay comfortable.

Don’t be afraid to let your creativity speaks to keep you warm: mix fabrics, put a scarf on… but remember that packing heavy clothes is not a good idea as you will have to take them on/off every time you enter to a restaurant, a coffee shop, a museum.

What to pack for a mid-season week-end in Barcelona.

Now that you have all the information needed, stop looking desperately at your suitcase wondering whether you need your sunglasses or your umbrella, just take them both and be ready to enjoy the city’s best places.


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10 tips for walking in high-heels by Admin

Marilyn used to sing that “Diamonds are the girls’ best friends”, this is far from being wrong. However, we must not forget our other best friends which are high heels. Indeed, wearing those can instantly make you taller, more graceful, more slender and so many other positive things. But you need to be careful as your second best friend can suddenly turn into your worst nightmare if you do not know how to tame them, and here is how to do so:


  1. Put the heels that you can handle: If this is your first trial, please do not set the bar too high. For beginners, I recommend you wear wedge heels. As you will get used to those, little by little, change your wedges for stacked heels and then for stilettos if you feel up to doing so.
  2. Use platform shoes: If you are not really comfy with high heels, medium height heels will be enough to have a positive impact on your appearance.
  3. Avoid pain: Always have band-aids with you and put them on before you get blisters, in prevention. You can also buy stuffed soles to soften your steps.

10 tips for walking in high heels

4. First the ball, then, the heel: To get as steady as possible, you need to be careful to not put your whole foot on the ground at the same time.

5. Slow Down: Leave few minutes earlier than necessary to be able to slow down your rhythm if needed without being in a hurry and risking a broken leg.

6. Use your weight wisely: To avoid your heels to get stuck between the cobbles, try to put your weight on the ball of your foot.

7. Take little breaks: Allow yourself to take a little break whenever you want to. And when doing so, just admire the landscape and the streets, you may be surprised!

10 tips for walking in high heels

8. Anticipate: Look at the cobbles which are one or two meters far from you and identify the safest part of the road for your heels.

9. Keep calm: It is completely worthless to insult the road or to beg it to let you pass. It won’t work. All you have to do is to stay calm and keep on moving until you finally got to destination, be brave!

10. Walk on the less damaged part of the streets: You should better walk at the edge of the streets because normally, they should be less damaged and therefore more negotiable.

Bonus: Forget everything I’ve just said and find some friends or a boyfriend nice enough to help and support you or even to carry you after hours of suffering.



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Healthy Snack Ideas by Admin

Are you still hungry 30 minutes after breakfast? Do you have little cravings between meals? Do you want to grab some food during watching movies or studying? If you answer is “yes!!!” we have something special for you! Super easy and quickly prepared healthy snacks recipes. You can even take them with you wherever and whenever you may need them.

1. Greek Yogurt Bark


1 1/2 cups plain vanilla Greek Yogurt
3 tbsp pure maple syrup
1/2 cup granola
1/2 cup blueberries
3 to 4 strawberries

Mix the yogurt with maple syrup and then pour it into a tray lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle the granola with the blueberries and strawberries. Of course you can use whatever you may want on top. Freeze the bark at least for 60 minutes before it’s ready to eat!


2. Frozen Banana Bites

2 bananas
2 dark chocolate bars
1 cup nuts for toppings

Put the chocolate bars in a pot and slowly melt it at a low heat. Cut the bananas into pieces and dip them in the chocolate until they’re fully covered. Place them on some parchment paper or a plate. Now you can put some nuts on top! Freeze everything for at least 30 minutes!


3. Apples with peanut butter

All you have to do is cut your apples and add some dairy-free milk to your peanut butter. Mix it and drizzle the peanut butter or even almond butter on top of the apples. You can also use any fruit you’d like to eat.


4. Slice of toast

You can eat it at home or take it out. There’s so many ways to create your own slice of goodness. Use avocado and strawberries, peanut butter and bananas or even hummus, spinach and cherry tomatoes! What is your perfect match?


5. Fruit

The easiest snack ever! Mixed various kinds of fruits make a healthy fruit salad. Even when you’re craving something on the way this is not a problem! Go to La Boqueria in Barcelona. You can find so many different fresh fruits and vegetables there.


Enjoy !


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How to celebrate International Women’s Day? by Admin

International Women’s Day (March 8) is not just a day where you buy gifts and flowers for women. It’s a global day celebrating the social, cultural, economic and also political achievements of women.


Almost everybody uses social media right now. We’re so active on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and regularly spend time on those platforms. Now we can show support for girls and women by using #PledgeForParity – an official campaign’s hashtag. It’s a simple but very essential way to celebrate this day and to empower women from all over the world.

International Womens day1

Accomplish your goal

Supporting others is important – but what about you? Stop procrastinating, yup you know what we’re talking about. Remember that one thing what you always want to do but it was so scary, so difficult and you’ve never had time for that? We know it just came to your mind. So get up right now and do it for yourself. Your success will be the best reward.


Spend time with your mum

Make this International Women’s Day more special and spend some of your time with your mum. We have such a strong bond with our parents – especially mothers. Tell her what she means to you and thank her for all of her wise advices. Cook with her, bake homemade cookies, watch movies or go shopping. You’ll be surprised by how much she’ll appreciate it.

International Womens Day3

Spend it alone

Treat yourself good this day. Do you want to stay at home and do absolutely nothing? Just relax. Prepare some popcorn and spend some time with Netflix! Riverdale is coming with new episodes – if you haven’t seen that yet, oh girl you definitely should. You can also grab a good book with a cup of hot chocolate, some biscuits or a box of ice cream. After a long day take a refreshing shower and treat yourself with some Face Masks.

International Womens Day 4




Sources: Picture 1, Picture 3

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