5 Tips for a Successful Fashion Shooting by Admin

1. Idea

In order to conduct a successful shooting of any kind, first of all you need to summarize all your ideas and create a concrete picture of the result you are willing to achieve in your head.

Once you define the objectives of a photo-shoot, the mood and emotions you want to share through your pictures you can start to think about the appropriate model type and possible locations.

5 Tips for a Successful Fashion Shooting

2.Style & Make up

Fashion shooting aims to show the clothes as the main element, so the model and the location have to be only a supplement for fashion-look.

Another crucial think is make up. A make-up plays an important role in total look creation and fashion make up is usually quite bright and artistic as while shooting with bright sun or professional flashes the make-up will look softer than in real life.

5 Tips for a Successful Fashion Shooting



The main role of location is to create a mood of a shooting. If you want to use a natural light it is very important to visit the location couple of times and choose the best time period according to sun position.


At a moment, we have a look we need to present, a model and a location it is time to think about posing. The poses should show the garment in its best possible way, be right according to the main rules of composition and correspond to a location (it looks very nice when posing repeat some lines of garment or background).

5 Tips for a Successful Fashion Shooting


5.Light & Post production

The light scheme creates a mood, emphasizes shapes and makes the accents. So, don`t be afraid to experiment as fashion shooting doesn’t have harsh rules and there is always a place for creativity and unstandardized approaches.

While shooting you should think in advance about post editing, so you need to estimate your capability of making further changes to your pictures.

5 Tips for a Successful Fashion Shooting



Photos: Tucha Aleksandra Photography

Model: Kate

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10 Exercises You Need To Get In Shape by Admin

After New Year’s feast, we usually gain extra kilograms. So soon we ask ourselves – how to lose weight after the New Year without harsh diets.

We picked up for you ten simple but very effective exercises that train several muscle groups simultaneously for you to get in shape. You will only need to spend fifteen to twenty minutes!


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapePerform walking lunges to strengthen your legs and butt.

Keep your front knee at 90 degrees.
Lunge as low as possible.
Keep a vertical torso.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapePush-ups to strengthen your arms and chest.

Hands must be directly under your shoulders.
Maintain your butt- simple plank.
Shoulders are far from your ears.
Keep your neck neutral.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapePerform squat jumps to strengthen your legs and butt.

Shoulder-width apart your feet.
Look ahead – don’t look down.
Knees should be in line with your toes.
Squat as deep as you can.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapePerform bicycle crunches to strengthen your abs, sides and legs.

Touch your knee with your elbow.
Look up.
Don’t lie down – keep your shoulders and feet away from the floor.
Don’t forget to breath!


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapeThis exercise helps to strengthen your back, abs and butt.

Place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
Contract your abs.
Lift your hips off the floor.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapePlank is the best exercise to define your core. It strengthens all your muscles.

Hands are under your shoulders.
Keep your body in a straight line.
Squeeze your butt.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapeSimple cardio exercise for legs and arms.

Jump as high as you can.
Keep your chest up.
Land softly.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapeKeep your back straight.
Maintain your hands on your head or chest.
Don’t look down.
Don’t move your feet.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapePerform walkout to strengthen all your body.

Keep your legs straight.
Maintain a tight core.
Don’t sway side to side from your hips.


10 Exercises You Need To Get In ShapeSlide lunges are the best exercise for your tights.

Keep your chest up.
Shift your weight carefully.
Lunge as low as possible.

Do not give up these exercises! Promise yourself that they will be the beginning of every day of your life. You can lose weight even faster, if you add to the diet walking, swimming or any other cardio exercises. Take these first steps so that the year 2018 will become the year of finding your dream figure!




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