Discover Spanish Fashion Market by Admin

Although Spain is usually associated with the biggest brands of clothing such as Zara and Mango, it is worth looking for and getting to know this market closer.  Spain hides much more than just that. Each wardrobe should be enriched with even one thing from Spanish fashion houses.

CM made some research for you to know where to shop in Barcelona.



Brand was founded in 2008 and today sells its stuff in more than 12 countries. In addition to the accessories you will also find standard clothing to help you create your outfit or to complement the hottest trends of the season



The Loewe brand is one of the few brands with such a long history that dates back to its founding in 1846 and has gone the way of Hermès and Louis Vuitton, starting with fine leather goods, then developing it with travel bags, suitcases and handbags, on the line of clothes and perfumes ending.

Manolo Blahnik


befunky-collage5 We all know this brand from our favorite show “Sex in the City”. Manolo Blahnik’s was the favorite brand of  Carrie Bradshaw, and yes, their shoes are FABULOUS!Manolo Blahnik style is today recognizable throughout the world, and is based on references to the aristocratic and female sex appeal.



Delpozo artistic director is Josep Font, Barcelona architect. Font education is particularly evident in his design. The spaciousness of the clothes makes them seem separated from the body. Dresses resemble modern Madrid buildings. This is the perfect place to shop in, if you are tired of typical designs.

In addition a little advice from CM: Follow your heart, wear outfits in which you feel comfortable, confident and fabulous. Be yourself and believe that you are beautiful.



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Healthy Lifestyle: Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body by Admin

A healthy mind breeds a health body and vise versa!

A healthy lifestyle can have a great impact on a person’s life! The human body and mind interact in an impressive way that works reciprocally.
The result of this interaction affects a human’s well-being greatly. Nowadays, many people are aware that their emotions may have a massive impact on their physical health. However, very few are aware that their physical condition also has a very powerful impact on their mental health and emotions.

This article will be going through a number of things one can do to improve their mental well-being by mainly taking care of their body.
Firstly, it is of utmost importance that we accept the fact that there is a strong psychological link between the body and brain. This way we will understand the importance of taking care of our body and ultimately feeling better both mentally and physically.

Nowadays, due to such hectic lives, many of us deal with a number of emotional states from time to time. This results into changes in our psychological well-being, both positively and negatively. These negative emotional states such as stress, anxiety, depression and so on are ones we try to fight through in various ways.
However, did you know that one of the most effective ways to do this is by controlling your body in effective ways?


The first and most important is to exercise, exercise and exercise! Many people tend to underestimate the effectiveness of exercise and sport on mental health. However, in reality it is emphasized by many that physical activity alleviates symptoms that are associated with negative emotions. Yoga, for example, is known to heal the soul and that is a journey of the self, through the self and to the self. 

Ashley Turner, a yoga teacher and licensed psychotherapist states –
“Yoga is a psychology – the whole practice helps us work with the nature of the mind, the nature of being a human, how emotions live in our bodies, how they affect our behavior and our minds.”

Healthy Lifestyle


We must make sure to eat nutritious healthy meals. Drink a sufficient amount of water daily, get the advised 7 hours of sleep every night, and avoid cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. This guarantees more of a healthy lifestyle in general. Also, giving your brain and thinking box a break is proved to be very effective to improve the mental well-being overall.
Therefore, make sure to give your brain time to relax or just think of new, creative ideas that will create positive vibes.

Healthy Lifestyle


Capture Models highly recommends this emerging phenomenon called Mindfulness.
This involves observing everything around us without filtering anything by our thoughts – Be the master of your body!
For instance,  focus on your breath whilst having your eyes closed, rather than constantly thinking about your daily activities. So just listen to your body at least once a day.

Healthy Lifestyle

If you do consider putting these into practice, I believe that your mind and body will be in sync and result into a healthier mind, body and lifestyle.
Nowadays, people spend way too much money on artificial things to live just one day longer. So why not just treat your body well and take precaution to live healthier?

SOURCES: Yoga Journal, Mindful, Merck Manual.

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Barcelona’s Street Style by Admin

It is safe to say that the Street Style phenomenon is here to stay. Capture Models Team decided to walk through the streets of Barcelona looking out for what people wear whilst roaming around the city. Here are few of Capture Models’ favorite looks from Barcelona’s Street Style.


Barcelona Street style

Those roaming around all of Barcelona’s beautiful streets might go for a simple and comfortable outfit. This little strappy dress will definitely not hamper your movement. Also, one must mention this dress’ tender violet color which makes comfort look classy as ever.


Barcelona Street style

Who said that a black and white outfit can’t look bright? These striped pants are never out of style – Such clothes make it possible to stick with the dress code whilst still being able to look fashionable and stylish.


Barcelona street style

Stylish sweat pants along with a comfy top and sandals? Yes please! Definitely casual and comfy yet so stylish!


Barcelona street style

We love how these BFF’s went for common color spectrum outfits – Kind of reminding us of Gossip Girl and Sex in the City!


Barcelona Street Style

Attention! Unusual prints is what it is all about this fashion season, go for the most unusual prints and experiment with your style!



Barcelona street style

Capture Models fell in love with this couple’s matching pink outfits – Spreading the love all over Barcelona.



Barcelona Street style

Probably not something we would wear every day, however, definitely grabs your attention!

Enjoy your day!





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Stylish outfits for each day of the week by Admin

It tends to get hard when it comes to picking out stylish outfits for each day of the week right? Sometimes you get totally lost thinking about what look you should go for today, or  at times even too lazy to think about your outfit in advance.

Capture Models is always here to help you! – Here are some of our ideas for stylish outfits for each day of the week.


Start your week with the color white! Psychologists say that wearing white will outline your freshness and purity, and a jacket dress will add “classy and fabulous” to your look.

stylish outfits for each day of the week


Don’t forget about coloring up your outfit. Wearing bright outfits will not only help you stay positive during your everyday routine, but also spread the positive energy around.

stylish outfits for each day of the week


Mixing textures and prints is always a good idea for a bright look. But it’s just a Wednesday and you might need to go to college or work, so try to keep it casual.

stylish outfits for each day of the week


A cozy sweater, midi skirt and a pair of black shoes is the perfect choice for those ladies who prioritize comfort when it comes to choosing their stylish outfit for each day of the week.

stylish outfits for each day of the week


Friday is perfect for denim day. Combining denim with a simple t-shirt and an old school checked Jacket (currently trending for 2017) will give you that retro style!

stylish outfits for each day of the week


A top with extravagant sleeves will be a great decision for all Saturday adventures such as a simpler coffee in the morning, shopping during the day and clubbing during the night.

stylish outfits for each day of the week


Sunday is a day to relax and make the best out of the last bit of your weekend. Capture Models advises you to keep it comfy.

stylish outfits for each day of the week



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