Beach Day Essentials

Posted by Admin in Summer
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A day on the beach is not only a whole lot of fun but also incredibly good for your body if you act responsibly.
Preparing for a whole day at the beach? Make sure to toss these Beach Day Essentials into your beach bag!


There is a lot of Beach Day Essentials to carry when spending a day on the beach, but there is nothing you cannot fit in a canvas tote bag. You also do not need to worry of it getting ruined if it gets a tad damp or wet. It is the perfect go-to bag for the beach!


Never go to the beach without a towel and if you are feeling extra generous, take your massive beach towel and save the few that forgot to bring one. You will be able to fit around 3-4 friends at least to have a great chat by the sea or just listen to music and work on your tan.


This is quite the no-brainier if you are aware that you are going to be spending all the day on the beach, so always apply AND REAPPLY.  Even though most of us do head to the beach to work on getting that tan, but skimping on the sun protection is not the way to go. You can find sunscreens with appropriate protection and instant bronzers so there is no excuse.


Even if you do apply sunscreen, your face is still going to need that extra protection. The bigger, the better protected, so do not be shy to wear those massive sunglasses and big floppy hat. It is a cute and stylish way of avoiding the bright red nose and cheek bones.


Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! 
Tanning and swimming for the day is bound to leave you parched, so make sure to take your water flask along with you to have cool water available whenever you will need some.


Always take a bunch of snacks to the beach with you. Something like cool mixed fruit, salads, some healthy granola bars and so on. This is ideal if you plan on staying at the beach for longer than 3 hours, to ensure that you will be full and happy on your well-needed beach day.


It is one of the best feelings to unwind with a good read in hand whilst listening to relaxing music at the beach.
Here are 3 good fashion books for this summer.


HERCAMPUS, SEVENTEEN, Superhero You, BuzzFeed

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