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The shortest night of the year and the official beginning of summer is here! Sant Joan festival or “La Nit de Sant Joan”,  the Spanish midsummer, is celebrated on the 23rd of June and continues to the 24th of June, which is “Saint John’s Day” and a public holiday in Catalonia and Spain.

Sant Juan is one of Barcelonas biggest parties , you can either organize your own party with friends and family or join a party in one of Barcelonas many clubs. A lot of people, around 70 000, also spends Sant Juan on one of Barcelona’s beaches,  a nice way to see the bonfires and fireworks !

Food and drinks is a very important part of Sant Juan, if you want to be traditional you should go for  Coca & Cava . Coca is a dessert brioche cake which you can enjoy with Cava, sparkling vine from Spain. Personally, I know I’m going for this perfect combo!

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“The one who lights Sant Joan will not get burnt all year.”

This celebration is an old tradition and has a lot of elements , where fire is the most important one, which explains the fireworks and bonfires. According to traditions will “The Flame of the Canigó” or Canigó’s flame light bonfires all over Catalonia. This year it’s 50 years since ” La Flama del Canigó” first arrived in the city, which makes this year’s Sant Juan Night extra special.


“Bathe on Sant Joan and you’ll be healthy all year round”

Water is also an element of Sant Joan, according to legend and tradition a swim will cure ails, aches and pains. If you celebrate this festival on the beach, and it feels like a swim on mid-night, you will not be the only one.


“Herbs of Sant Joan keep their strength all year”

Legend says that on the night of San Juan herbs are one hundred times stronger than usual. Thyme, Rosemary and Verbena are collected and eaten during this event.


WELCOME TO BARCELONA  Picture 1 Picture 2

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